Per sachet Glucose anhydrous 2.025 g/150 mL or 10.125 g/750 mL, NaCl 0.39 g/150 mL or 1.95 g/750 mL, KCl 0.225 g/150 mL or 1.125 g/750 mL, Na citrate dihydrate 0.435 g/150 mL or 2.175 g/750 mL (equiv to glucose 75 mmol/L, Na+ 75 mmol/L, Cl- 65 mmol/L, K+ 20 mmol/L, citrate 10 mmol/L)
Dehydration due to diarrhea.
Dosage/Direction for Use
Vol in 24 hr: Adult & childn >5 yr As desired. Childn 2-5 yr 4-10 glasses, 6 mth to 2 yr 3-4 glasses, <6 mth 2-3 glasses.
May be taken with or without food: Dissolve contents in water.